Pandoras Rose Logo

About Us

Pandora's Rose is a BDSM group in Columbia, Missouri, that was founded in 2008. We are dedicated to the education, development, and growth of the BDSM lifestyle. Some of our members have been in the lifestyle for years and have attended courses on a varity of BDSM subjects. Others in the group are just beginning in the lifestyle and starting to understand what BDSM is.

There are many things that BDSM is not. BDSM is not violent, abusive, or controlling.

Pandora's Rose is a caring, loving, and respectful group. BDSM is only performed by consent of all parties involved. We will never push you to do anything that you are not confortable with. Everyone's names and information is kept in the strictest of confidence and will never be shared with anyone.

Join Us!

We have munches on the first Thursday and third Tuesday every month. Additionally, we host monthly Tabletop/Board Game Days, Jackbox Party Nights, and Rope Nights in the mid-Missouri area! You can find out more information below: